My last post was in February and indicated I was entering a plateau period, both in weight loss and in motivation. I sounded hopeful that things would turn around. Oops...they didn't.
March I went to Florida and was very disappointed when I put on 5 pounds. That surprised me because both of my daughters prepare health conscious meals. Jen carefully watches fat and sugar. Jan is very conscous of portion sizes. Neither girl has bought into the idea that if people are present you have to make big meals with lots of food AND dessert.
As I look back on this summer, my travels, and other things I have discovered a few things.
1) Exercise is crucial not only to weight loss, but even to maintenance. When I visit my kids, I don't get in the walking that I do at home. The same was true of winter time. I lose weight best when I can get outside to walk. I enjoy it more than walking inside, like with the 'mall walkers'. 10,000 steps is crucial for weight loss. 6,000-8,000 is needed for maintenance.
2) There is a change. This all started last summer because I had a hard time keeping up with Jen when we were at a theme park. I recognized she wasn't going that fast, but I was walking really slowly. This year I notice that when walking with a group I now have to slow myself down. I've picked up my pace. Apparently you can teach an old dog new tricks. It is one change I am really pleased with!
3) I lost 15 pounds and put 5 back on. I am still 10 pounds lighter than last year. I have 10 pounds to go, but I want to lose 15 simply because I usually put 5 back on when I try to maintain.
I've been walking a lot this summer. I added the townships walking path to my routine. On a good week I do 2 miles minimum every day, and often 3-5 miles a couple of days a week. I haven't lost any weight, but I've enjoyed it.
The quest goes on. I don't give up even if I don't see change. I know if I give up, the weight goes back on and THAT is defeat.