I'm Back. Time to check in. I haven't actually moved away from my efforts to lose weight, but life has intervened. While I still tried to work out, eat right, yada, yada, yada, the reality is I lived each day as I desired.
The result? A few extra pounds, a few less workouts, all which means No progress.
Frustrating... only because I WANT the damn pounds to melt away simply because I WANT IT!
Observation...The difference between Biggest Loser contestants, Other Successful Weight Loss People, and me is .... drum roll... suspense.....could it be the obvious? Priorities!
They have given up 6 months of their life. I have a hard time letting go of 1 hour of each day.
Yoga on Thursday? No, that's my Bible Study day and I really enjoy it. I like the people, the discussion and the teacher is fantastic. (of course my yoga instructor is fantastic too, and I Could go to Bible Study in my yoga clothes after class, but .... nah, I need to .... eat breakfast first, change my clothes, (yada, yada, yada)--excuses....
Time to walk the dog? It's cold out....windy....or rainy. We get a lot of both here. Or maybe there is a lot going on. Who has time to walk the dog?
Ah, the dog. That has become a sticking point. The dog loves to walk and actually SHE is my priority. The dog is quite likely to get the walk. But she is 12. The days where she walked ME are long gone. I do walk her quite regularly because I believe she really needs the exercise. But she is a slow walker these days. So that good power walk has taken a back seat to the nice therapeutic walk. I'm not sure anyone has ever lost weight in therapy. Strengthening, perhaps. Development... yes. Healthful? Of course. So that's where I've been. I'm the therapist for my dog. She is my priority.
I think I have just self-talked myself through what others would easily pick out as the obvious.
I make excuses and so I am fat. I don't lose weight because I'd rather do what I want to do instead of what I need to do.
I think I'm back. But am I really? You'll probably know before I do. Tune in, if you can't stand the suspense. Will I start watching my calorie intake and my exercise (calorie output)?
Watch and see.