I have had it! I am desperate to lose .... 30 pounds. 30 pounds you say with incredulity??? You are blogging over 30 pounds? Puhleeze!!!!
Yes, I am desperate. I need to lose 30, but for now I'll settle for 20. At least that will be a positive step in the right direction. I am actually 50 pounds heavier than when I got married. Over the last 3 years I have tried to lose weight, only to see it creep up instead of down. I have counted calories and kept a food diary. I have tried to walk. For awhile I was working out. But I lacked consistency in all of these endeavors. 3 pounds down, 4 pounds down, but then it would pop back up again. Last summer I was visiting my daughter and decided when I got home I was going to give 110% and get to the small private gym I had joined. Going through the mail, once I was home, I discovered a letter from my gym saying they were closing at the end of the month. Talk about a downer!
I decided I could go it alone. I had some workout equipment. I renewed my subscription to SELF Magazine because they had new workout cards every month so I figured I could change my workout up. As usual I failed. I couldn't stay consistent. During the cold winter months I found every excuse in the book. I put on 5 more pounds.
So here is my new tactic. It's time to enlist a new support group. YOU! I have a plan, but I need to stick to it. To hold myself accountable, I will post several times a week and let you know how I am doing. I am wearing a pedometer daily and have stuck to the plan for almost 2 weeks now. But this only means that soon something will come up to derail me. Maybe if I have to confess my soul online, I'll be motivated to keep going. It really is 'baby steps', isn't it?
Tomorrow I will share my plan and give you an update on how well I've managed. I'll be honest and tell you about the bad days and the failed temptations. I need your encouragement, your ideas, and yes.... you are welcome to knock me on the side of the head when I need it. It's not fun being tired, and sluggish, and chunky. I want to fit in my clothes again. I am lookimg for some teammates and some cheerleaders! I hope you'll be one of them.
See you tomorrow. Same Blog, New Baby Step.
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