Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Running in Place

It's the holiday season. That's a fact I can't ignore. Tonight I'm going to my 3rd holiday party, and the scales haven't budged. Actually, they have. I bounce between 137 and 139. Mostly it sits at 138. It's been that way since early November. It's annoying. If I allowed myself to think about it I would be totally depressed!

When I was sharing my woes with a friend she said, "Losing weight during the holidays? Really? I think maintaining it is an accomplishment." I started thinking about that, and realized she is right. I really want to lose 5 more pounds before Christmas, but that's because my kids are coming. The truth is, they will be impressed with what I've already lost. If I can just get past New Years without regaining anything I will have conquered the holiday season.

New focus? Not really. Same plan, same hopes, but I will accept the reality. I will stick to the meals I've been eating during the day. I will continue to workout. I will walk even when it's cold and snowy...but probably not cold and windy. That wind really bites! I will go to parties and do my best to watch how much I eat and drink. I will try to pick only the diet friendly stuff.

But I will NOT drag myself down when I goof and over indulge. I will hug myself when I do well, and kick myself in the butt when I screw up. I will continue to weigh myself and measure myself. To do anything else would be to give up and that is the biggest NOT in my list. I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MYSELF.


  1. Connie, just discovered this other blog of yours and i love it. keep up the good work.

  2. AHA! You found my secret! I think I almost hit my 15 pound mark, but I'm on hold for the holidays. LOL! I'll pick it back up in January when everyone goes home.
