Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Day Off

I should be at Yoga this morning, but I'm not. Truth is, I'm tired and I just want a day at home. I really should have gone, though because when I look at the schedule for next week, I won't have as many workouts as I did this week, and I really did good this week!

Now that I know I really need to up the exercise and burn off more calories each day (because I don't eat that much--only 1200 calories--and I don't know how to eat less) I've uped the workouts. I've been going to yoga 2-3 days a week, depending on the schedule, but I've chickened out at things like 'Pi-Yo' (Pilates/Yoga) or cardio workouts.

Last week I went to SBT (short burst training) with a trainer I think is pretty tough. I survived! I looked at the work out schedule and decided to try a Cardiomix workout this week with the same trainer. I survived that too!!! Woohoo!

Then I talked myself into a Pi-yo class. Wow. More cardio than pilates. Another real workout. And I survived again! I was gaining confidence.

Yesterday I went to an SBT class with a different trainer, one I felt takes things a little slower or easier than the one I had last week. OOPS! Wrong assumption. Half way through I was dying! I looked at the girl next to me and we both looked at the clock. "Is this a 45 minute class today or a 60 minute one?" I asked her. Panting, she said, "I was just thinking the same thing. I can't remember." Thank goodness it was a 45 minute one. Since it was only 9:30 I decided to do my usual 30 minute/2 mile walk but it was half-hearted.

This morning when I woke up, I just didn't want to go. I had lots of excuses...I ran through a litany of them. There were 2 classes I had intended to do: yoga and then cardiomix. If my walk yesterday was half-hearted, I could halve that this morning.

4 years ago I tried doing a workout schedule similar to the one this week. I gave up quickly. It was too much for me at that time. I was exhausted. I'm actually in better shape now because of my daily walk on these killer hills. However, I'm not ready for a steady diet. Physically I may be up to it, but the truth is I like a day off once in a while.

What would Jillian say?
"How can you complain about the scale when you don't do the work?" yeah, she'd say that.
"How can you eat that stuff?", when she sees me scarfing down (just 1 little) chocolate gob. yeah, she'd say that, her voice rising, eyes rolling, arms waving in the air in disbelief.

I agree with her. So what do I tell myself today? "What is your goal?--To get some work done in the house and in the yard, to eat food I like in small portions. To spend a day on maintenance; not losing, not gaining. A day off from the gym."

Sometimes I just need one.

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