Friday, July 13, 2012

I Hate the Scale!

I hate the scale. It lies, it cheats, it leads me on, then smacks me 'upside the head'.

Ok, I haven't posted much lately. The last post I entered I actually wrote over a month ago, but I forgot about it. I found it the other day and posted it then. But I've been trying.

I've been dedicated in using My Fitness Pal (MFP) every day.
I've been going regularly to yoga.
I've been walking. Even on the hot days I walk 2 miles inside the township building where they have a mile marked out (8 laps on the red part of the carpeting equals 1 mile) and clickers to help walkers keep track.

I've learned that even though MFP gives you a calorie goal, if you want to lose weight you have to eat 200 calories less than you exercise.

And one month later I have lost ...... VERY LITTLE!!!!!

Goal: To weigh 130. Reality. I'm stuck at 146.

I shouldn't really complain. I had gotten up to 150 which really mortified me, and got me back on the bandwagon. 18 months ago I had made it to 137 and then the climb began again.

So what got me going on this post?

Wednesday, July 4th, the scales read 145 for the first time in a long time! I was ecstatic. It had bounced between 145.5 and146 or 147, but this time it seemed pretty certain. 145!!! Then we went to a 4th of July picnic.

I thought I behaved myself. I nibbled at hors d'oervers. I munched veggies. I had 2 little grilled chicken strips, not burgers or dogs. No rolls. Of course, I did have a couple of chocolate gobs, (cream filled cake thingies). And a large Gin and Tonic, and the a couple of Bailey's Irish Cream. Oh yum!!!
I didn't expect to be at 145 on Thursday. Maybe back to 146.

Uh-uh. Nope. No such luck.
I couldn't believe the scale. 3 pounds over night!!! 148. I hadn't seen 148 in a few weeks! I was shocked, pissed, and disgusted. My scale can be fickle, but it really held it's own on this one. I think it was those darn Irish Creams. Too good to be good for you! And the chocolate gobs didn't help.

5 days have gone by. This morning the scale actually said 144.5. I was thrilled, but I know it's lying. I don't ever pay any attention to it until it says the same thing 3 days in a row. But it got me hopeful and I wasn't going to blow it today. Instead I walked 3 miles and logged every nibble I had on MFP.
Tomorrow I just don't want to see it jump up 3 pounds again.

How Rude! (and how discouraging...)

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