Thursday, October 7, 2010

I'm home!

Coming home and hitting the road has been harder than I thought. I was ready to get back into my routine but I ran into two obstacles. The first one was RAIN! 4 days of it! I know some people say they walk rain or shine, but I'm not that good. If the weather is bad, I'm probably not walking in it. I did get out one day for a short walk, but I couldn't talk myself into the longer, 2 mile one. I have managed to do a light workout one day and a good workout yesterday...complete with shin splints today. Forgot that all important 'End of Workout STRETCH"! Oops.
I also find that it takes me a few days to get back into my routine. Unpacking, sorting mail, cleaning up all seem to grab my attention. I wish I could say I'm like a rabid dog and work like crazy until the house is all ready, but that's not me either. Instead, I look at what needs to be done, work at it, and find lots of reasons to interrupt myself. I can be very ineffecient when I feel like it.
As a consequence it takes a few days before I can get up and say "FIRST, LET'S WALK!!!!" I hope maybe I can do that tomorrow.
The rain has stopped. My house is organized. The lawn is mowed. Nothing to stop me now. Tomorrow I hit the slopes...walking that is.
On a GREAT note, I checked the scales when I got home. I lost 1 1/2 pounds while I was gone!!!!!!
YIPPEE!!!!!!!! I do believe that is a first. On occasion I've maintained. Usually I gain. Never do I lose while away from home.
Till tomorrow....

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