Monday, November 1, 2010

Catching Up

I am so behind on tracking my progress. It has been a busy two weeks. Our church had it's first Pumpkin Patch and I worked it most week days. Last Sunday was my birthday and I celebrated it by getting sick. (Not a good plan!) This week was spent working the Patch and trying to get my stomach back to normal.

When I think of the contestants on Biggest Loser I remember one who had to be taken to the hospital and was only allowed to walk when she returned to the ranch. She wasn't able to work out. So she walked. The alternative would have been to go home. She had to find the way to lose enough weight to stay. This week I maintained what activities I had to but walking wasn't one of them. It was so easy to rationalize not going out. My stomach was queasy. I'd 'better not push it today'. The big difference between Miggy and me was that she had only one thing to do and that was lose weight. She HAD to do it or she would go home. Once again, it is obvious that I am not  a 'competitor'. I never have been. I'm just me. I can make excuses with the best of them. Jillian would walk out on my if she was my trainer!

The news wasn't all bad, though. I really had to watch what I ate. Indigestion set in if I ate 1) a lot, 2) anything rich (like toast with butter), 3) a lot... (oh yeah, I said that). I ate a lot of cereal, soup and Italian ice. Well, if my exercise level was low, so was my calorie intake!

I'm back to normal, and the pumpkins are gone so it's time to pay attention to what I'm putting in and how much I'm working out!

The good news?? I did manange to lose a pound. Next week's goal is 139!!!!! I can't wait until I reach it. It will be the first time I was under 140 since 2006 and then it was for about 2 weeks. The scales like to tease me. It shows me a number and then bounces up a pound for the next 2-3 days. It has hinted at 139 already, but I know it is just playing games with my mind. But by Friday, it should be there!!!

I can't wait! See you then.

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