Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Nasty Words!

I just saw a photo of me in my jeans (that still fit me well). HA! Maybe they fit me well, but I don't like how I look in them.

This is a good one for the refrigerator. Overall, it will make me smile because I will remember the fun my grandson and I had making muffins. But everytime I look at ME, I will be reminded I have a ways to go. I hate my gut. I know I'm not thinking of posture while I'm interacting with him. And that's fine. I shouldn't be. I should be thinking only of the moment. But the picture brings back the reality of what I want to accomplish.
I want to be that skinny girl I used to be. I will probably never be happy with losing the pounds. I want to get the figure back. I wonder if that is even possible at my age? Probably not. Which means, if nothing else, along with the diet, and exercise, we may have to add in Wardrobe Awareness!!!!!!
If I care how I look in pictures, I have to care how I look everyday.
Did I just add another element? I'm not sure.
Once you start, it seems you get beyond just wanting to be fit. Eventually you want to look good. And at some point, even if you are 60, you want to look really good! Somehow that has to be balanced between looking really good at 25 and looking really good at 60. Where is the reality?
This is an ongoing work in progress. But for now... I'm NOT there yet. This picture has to be improved!
There is work to be done.

1 comment:

  1. Of course there is a difference in the way we looked at 20, and how it is at 60. No matter how fit and thin we are, it won't be the same now as it was then. I think that's the reality of our changing bodies.

    I also think it requires looking REALISTICALLY at what our body frame is at any given time and knowing how to wear clothes - and what clothes to choose when we're buying them. For example - what cut of jeans looks best, and what style tops should we choose? It is interesting how we don't see ourselves until we see a photo.

    I know that people laugh at the TLC show, "What Not To Wear". It is entertainment, first and foremost, but I admit I have learned a few things from that show as to what would look better on me. I know my wardrobe is not the best...

    You hit the nail on the head about one thing: it's important to BE IN THE MOMENT in our lives, and not to obsess over our clothes - or how we look - once we have started "living". Your helping your grandson in the kitchen trumps pretty much everything else here! :)
