Sunday, September 19, 2010

Success and Failure

Today is definitely going to be an OFF day. It started when my husband walked in with chocolate donuts. But while I may have gotten away without trying one, it was all over when Mike offered to do his Sunday Morning Special....pancakes. Add to the fact that the weather is cold, wet, and windy and there is a houseful of people, it was pretty easy to see that there would be no workout, no walk, and plenty of carbs.

In the beginning of this blog I promised to record the failures as much as the successes, but you've probably noticed that I avoid talking about failures. It isn't intentional, but it is indicative of how I face things.
Diets and weight-loss programs are inherently full of pitfalls. In our everyday life it is difficult to change every bad fault we've had and replace them only with good choices. We will have good days and we will have bad days. That is a truth I recognize and embrace.

I am a 'rosy-world' person. I tend to see the glass as half-full rather than half-empty, even if it is half-full of hot air. While nothing is all good, neither is anything all bad. The trick is to keep your eye on the thing that keeps you focused. People work better when they identify where they made their mistakes and then strive to avoid them. I recognize that truth. But beyond that, I don't work well if I focus on the goofs, the blunders, the mistakes. Instead of helping me re-focus my efforts, it tends to give me the excuse to quit, at least temporarily. My attitude becomes "Oh well, it's over now". Kind of like today. Just look at how I started this post. By the end of the paragraph I had convinced myself there was no use fighting it. I'd lost the battle.

Well I've lost the battle for today, but tomorrow the weather promises to be good and I have a couple of hours where I will be able to get out for a walk. So the war will continue. I will re-group and set reachable goals. I will continue to look at what worked. My posts will be mostly positive.

But today, I surrender.

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